Y. Jin, Q. Cao, C. Ben, Q. X. Sang, and M. Yang biasa dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah membersihkan permukaan luar pipa dari marine growth yang lunak maupun keras, melepas lapisan pelindung korosi corrosion coating, serta selimut beton pada pipa. CVI biasa dilakukan oleh diver setelah melakukan GVI. Adalah inspeksi secara electromagnet, yang bertujuan untuk menemukan lokasi crack pada lasan dan permukaan suatu material. Konsepnya adalah arus listrik yang mengalir pada suatu komponen akan terganggu oleh keberadaan suatu crack. ACFM tergolong dalam Non harmful Test NDT. Permukaan pipa akan di scan melalui sentuhan langsung menggunakan suatu probe yang dialiri arus. S. Census Bureau 2010b reported that most engineering matlab citizens dwelling in suburban towns, apart from the ones external NYC, were somewhat wealthier than those residing in matlab city core, although some suburbs were occupied by cut income citizens. The percent of households occupied by married couples or single fogeys with children was much higher in matlab suburbs than in matlab city core, apart from in NYC and San Francisco, wherein extraordinarily expensive residences are located inside of matlab city limits. Average home charges are lower in matlab suburbs of San Francisco and NYC, and many citizens in New York suburbs move out engineering matlab city seeing that they cannot have enough money buildings in matlab city core. The San Francisco area includes a few pretty high density towns, but these areas are lower in density than matlab urban core. Further studies are needed to greater analyze matlab different companies of citizens in those U.